Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Beginning!

I was facing unemployment for the first time in my life and needed to prepare for that day. The internet had a ton of useful information and I spent many hours researching, networking and surfing the web in preparation of the day. I was confident that when that terrible day arrived I was ready!

Thankfully, my wife had recently gone back to work full time after many years of taking great care of our home and three growing children. Our home was perfectly clean and the kids were always prepared for school and their individual events. I pitched in from time to time to help her with her endless efforts but really went around in my own little world. Again, I was confident that the household chores would not be a problem when that terrible day arrived!

The "terrible day" arrived and I hit the ground running on the job search. I also started to post my day to day experiences on Facebook in a cry for help...not much was offered but led to this blog. After some encouragement and the knowledge that there are many more spouse's paddling through the same challenges I decided to share these experiences on a open platform.

Please add your thoughts, comments and experiences. Together we can conquer and clean our way back into the workforce or else perish!

Remember, unemployment is only a temporary setback, be proud, confident and keep the Lysol bottle full!

Below are the first listing to catch up to date:

Day 2 - of cleaning out the office...18 years of crap, what a packrat :-)

Day 3 - since the career ended. I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "what am I going to make for dinner." Then my sister-in-law called "me" for a recipe...OMG.

Day 4 - and I am "On Strike" from doing laundry! Certain members of this house need to figure out how to put their clothes in the laundry without them being inside out. Those articles of clothing will not get washed until said owner corrects said issue! It is time us laundry doer's make a stand...join me in this effort, America!

Day 5 - BATHROOMS! How the hell do you miss? Its as if the toilet isn't there and fire hose let loose. It isn't like pouring 5 gallons into a thimble, it is more like a thimble into a 5 gallon bucket. Lucky it is a snow day because there is a little re-training happening today.

Day 6 - Started a blog

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