Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 17 - Politicians

While muddling through my chores I listen to the television. The first week was flipping between the major news networks, listening to the talking heads put their network's spin on the same stories. The only take away from this experience was we elect some "real pieces of work" on both sides of the aisle! How do they get elected?

In week two, I began to explore what other shows I could listen to and quickly found myself changing the station on a more frequent basis. Today, it hit me like a lightning bolt. For the fortune of the masses and the future of our nation, I have discovered the reason why...Soap Operas! That's right, Soap Opera's!

Soap Opera's are completely unrealistic just like some of our politicians! They are mind numbing shows, similar to a politicians answer to a difficult question. There is nothing positive. Both their stories never change from year to year, sound familiar! It is the same old character's and they never seem to age! They pretend to be people that they really aren't. They are made up of actors/actresses that can not make it to the big screen, just like our senators/representatives that can not make it to the White House. I know this is scary stuff but millions of people watch soap opera's and millions vote for these politicians. Coincidence, I think not!

If you are a soap opera viewer, I beg you to stop! You are being sucked into to this horrible plan and don't even know it. Save yourself before it is to late! For us non-viewers; like the grains of sand in an hourglass, time is ticking a soap opera viewer today!

Our country depends on it!

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